Thursday, April 2, 2009

I believe its time for a change

I have been in a funk the past couple of weeks. I wish there was a way that I could pin point where this funk is coming from. I come to a point where I need to re evaluate life, and how I am doing it, what decision I make, how i make them. I think there a few key things to helping me get back to life the way that I want to live my life.

First back to basics...Three parts to my being that need to be addressed.

Spiritually, Spirituality is a very importnat aspect of who I am. IT seems like I can get on a roll, I can praying, doing my devotions, and seeking God for most things in my life. Everytime I get on a roll, I hit a wall. The wall means, I have hit a halt in my spirituality. The first few days of hitting the wall are hard, but it gets easier. I no longer long to spend time with my savior, I no longer rely on that daily bread to address my day. This is something that I need to get over. I need to stop hitting the wall and be overtaken by it. I need to hit the wall and bounce back fast, get over self pity. And get back to my God. Its really that simply, rely on that daily bread from the lord to get me through my day. I have tried living on my own and it results in a funk or even worse.

Physically, taking care of my physical well being is important to me. I have lost over 70lbs in 15 months. I notice the change that has come with that. I have discovered new disciplines about myself. The physical well being I have discovered is very nice and I love it. It is simple control your eating and excersize. Its not hard but it is a discipline.

Mentally, I need to be mentally sharp. I am in school, sharpening my brain. Being sharp mentally will enhance my physical and spiritual life. Being mentally sharp also makes me useful in work, church and school along with my personal relationships.

(Part two coming soon)